Words with Prepositions

Below you will find a list of English words followed by prepositions. This list contains about 500 most useful words (probably). For a full list, consider buying The BBI Combinatory Dictionary, which also has a lot of useful remarks as to the usage. I've included a Polish translation for some words that may be less known to an intermediate-level student, but are still quite useful.

Do mind two important facts:

  1. Some words followed by preposition in Polish are not followed by preposition in English (and vice versa).
  2. Some words take different prepositions when used as a noun/verb/adj. Eg. "There's a lack of money" (here lack is a noun) vs. "You're lacking in experience" (here lack is a verb in continuous form).

Word (part of speech) Remarks, usage Polish translation
abide by (v) stosować się do (zasad, praw itp.)
absent from (adj)
abstain from (v) powstrzymać się od
accompanied by (adj)
according to (prep) never use "according to me/us" - things can only be according to sb else według kogoś
account for (v) wyjaśniać
accuse sb of (v)
accustomed to (adj)
acquainted with (adj)
addicted to (adj)
adequate for (adj)
adjacent to (adj) przyległy do
advantage of (n) (but: there's an advantage in - (have) an advantage over sb)
advice on (n)
afraid of (adj)
agree to/on sth (v) zgodzić się (coś zrobić)
agree with sb (v) zgodzić się (z kimś)
ahead of (prep)
aim at (v)
allergic to (adj)
amazed at/by (adj)
amount to (v) wynosić, być równym (np. suma wynosi 40)
amused at/with (adj)
angry at what sb does (adj)
angry with sb about sth (adj)
angry with sb for doing sth (adj)
annoyed with sb about sth (adj)
answer to (n) in ˜
You answer sb, but write in answer to sb's letter
w odpowiedzi na...
anxious about sth (adj)
anxious for sth to happen (adj) be ˜
apologise to sb for sth (v)
appeal to sb for sth (n) make an ˜ zaapelować do kogoś o coś, odwołać się do kogoś
appeal to/against (v) odwołać się do czegoś, od czegoś
apply to sb for sth (v) ubiegać się o coś u kogoś (np. o pracę u pracodawcy)
approve of (v)
argue with sb about sth (v)
arrest sb for sth (v)
arrive at (a small place) (v)
arrive in (a town) (v)
ashamed of (adj)
ask for (v) (but: ask sb a question)
assure (sb) of (v)
astonished at/by (adj)
attached to (adj) przywiązany do... (także w przenośni)
attack on (n)
attend to (v)
aware of (adj) also: un˜
bad at (adj) (but: He was very bad to me.)
base on (v)
basis for (n)
beg for (v) błagać o...
begin with (v)
believe in (v)
belong to (v)
benefit from (v) odnieść korzyść z...
bet on (v)
beware of (v)
blame on sb (n) put the ˜
blame sb for sth (v)
blame sth on sb (v)
boast about/of (v) pysznić się czymś
bored with/of (adj)
borrow sth from sb (v)
brilliant at (adj) wspaniały, cudowny w jakiejś dziedzinie
bump into (v) wpaść na kogoś przypadkiem
busy with (adj)
call at/on (phr v) wpaść do kogoś
call for ( demand) (phr v) wymagać czegoś
campaign against/for (v)
capable of (adj) zdolny do ...
care about (v)
care for sb (v) (like) lubić kogoś
care for sth (v) (like to do sth) mieć ochotę na coś lub interesować się czymś
care of (n) take ˜
careful of (adj)
careless about/with (adj)
cause of (n)
certain of (adj)
change into (v)
characteristic of (n/adj)
charge for (v) obciążyć kogoś kosztami
charge sb with (v) oskarżyć kogoś o coś
charge of (n) be in ˜ kierować czymś
charge at (v) natrzeć, napaść na kogoś
cheque for (n)
choice between/of (n)
clever at (adj) (but: It was very clever of you to buy it.)
close to (adj)
coax sb into (v) wrobić kogoś, oszukać tak, by coś zrobił
coincide with (v)
collaborate with (v)
collide with (v)
comment on (v)
communicate with (v)
compare to (v) (show the likeness between sb/sth and sb/sth else)
compare with (v) (how people and things are alike and how they are different)
comparison between (n)
complain of (v) ( suffer from)
complain to sb about sth (v) ( be annoyed at)
compliment sb on (v)
comply with (v) postępować zgodnie z...
conceal sth from sb (v) ukryć coś przed kimś
concentrate on (v)
confidence in sb (n) have/put ˜ mieć do kogoś zaufanie
confine to (v) ograniczać się do...
confusion over (n)
congratulate sb on sth (v)
connect to/with (v)
connection between (n) (but: in connection with)
conscious of (adj)
consist of (v)
contact between (n) (but: in contact with)
content with (adj)
contrary to (prep)
contrast with (v)
contribute to (v)
convert to/into (v)
cope with (v)
correspond to/with (v) odpowiadać czemuś, być zgodnym z czymś
count against (v) liczyć się/świadczyć przeciw komuś
count on sb (phr v) liczyć na kogoś
cover in/with (v)
covered in/with (adj)
crash into (v)
craving for sth (n) have a ˜ (być) spragniony(m) czegoś
crazy about (adj)
crowded with (adj)
cruel to (adj)
cruelty towards/to (n)
cure for (n)
curious about (adj)
cut into (phr v) interrupt sb/˜ a conversation
damage to (n)
date back to (v)
date from (v)
deal with (v)
dear to (adj)
decide on/against (v)
decrease in (n)
dedicate to (v)
deficient in (adj) pozbawiony czegoś, ubogi w coś
definition of (n)
delay in (n)
delight in (v) mieć w czymś upodobanie
delighted with (adj) zachwycony czymś
demand for (n) zapotrzebowanie na...
demand from (v) wymagać od kogoś
depart from (v)
departure from (n)
depend on/upon (v)
dependent on (adj)
deputise for (v) att: rather formal. Better use stand in for sb zastępować kogoś
descended from (adj) pochodzący od
describe sb/sth to sb else (v)
description of (n)
die in an accident (v)
die of/from (v) umrzeć na coś
differ from (v)
difference between/of (n) make/tell ˜
different from (adj) Att: some grammars say "differrent to" is also correct, but many purists don't like this
difficulty in/with (n) Att: can also be used without preposition if followed by a gerund: Do you have any difficulty reading this text?
disadvantage of (n) (but: there's a disadvantage in doing sth)
disagree with (v)
disappointed with/about (adj)
disapprove of (v)
discharge sb from (v) zwolnić kogoś (np. ze służby lub więzienia)
discouraged from (adj)
discussion about/on (n)
disgusted by/at (adj)
dismiss from (v)
dispose of (v) pozbyć się czegoś
disqualified from (adj)
dissatisfied with (adj)
distinguish between (v)
divide between/among (v)
divide into/by (v)
do sth about (v)
doubtful about (adj)
dream about (v) śnić o czymś
dream of (v) imagine, fancy doing sth marzyć o czymś
dressed in (adj)
eager for (adj) mający na coś ochotę, ochoczy do zrobienia czegoś
economise on (v) oszczędzać na czymś
efficient at (adj) wydajny w ...
effort into sth (n) put ˜ wkładać w coś wysiłek
emphasis on (n)
engaged to sb/in sth (adj)
engagement to sb (n)
enter in/for/into (v) (start). But don't use a preposition when physically entering sth. Eg. He entered the factory to enter into the negotiations with the striking workers. He entered his horses for the race. He entered (for) the race. rozpocząć, wejść (np. w układy) = enter into
zapisać się, wziąć udział w... = enter in/for/-
enthusiastic about (adj)
envious of (adj)
equal sth (v)
equal to (adj)

His debt equalled £150.
He is not equal to this job, it's too difficult for him. Men should bear equal responsibilities to women.


wynosić ileś (czas.)
zdolny do czegoś, równy czemuś (przym.)
escape from/to (v)
example of (n)
excellent at (adj)
exception to (n) but: with / make an exception of sth/sb
This is an exception to the rule.
She took exception to his rude words.
take exception to=obrazić się
exchange sth for sth else (v)
excited about (adj)
exclaim at (v)
excuse for (n)
excuse sb for (v)
exempt from (adj, v) He was exempt(ed) from military service due to his mental insanity. wyjąć coś spod jakiegoś obowiązku (np. podatkowego)
expel from (v) wygnać z...
experienced in (adj)
experiment on/with (v)
expert at/in (sth/doing sth) (n) (person good at) osoba umiejętna, ekspert, specjalista
expert at/in/on (sth/doing sth) (adj) (= done with skill or involving great knowledge) umiejętny, wprawny
expert on (n) (= person knowledgeable about a subject) ekspert, znawca
expert with sth (n) (good at using sth)
face up to (phr v) zmierzyć się z ...
fail in an attempt (v)
fail to do sth (v)
failure in (an exam) (n)
failure to (do sth) (n)
faithful to (adj)
fall in (n)
familiar to sb (adj) (known to sb) znajomy, znany komuś
familiar with (adj) (have knowledge of) zaznajomiony z...
famous for (adj)
fed up with (adj)
fill sth with sth else (v)
finish with (v)
fire at (v) wystrzelić do ...
flee from (v) zbiec, uciec z...
fond of (adj)
forget about (v)
forgive sb for (v)
fortunate in (adj)
friendly with/to (adj)
frightened of (adj)
full of (adj)
furious with sb about/at sth (adj)
generosity to/towards (n)
genius at (n)
glance at (v)
glare at (v) patrzeć się ze złością, oślepiać
good at (adj) (but: He was very good to me.)
grateful to sb for sth (adj)
grudge against (n) He bore/held a grudge against the city council for not doing anything about the city traffic. Mieć żal o coś, nosić urazę do kogoś
guess at (v)
guilty of (adj) (but: he felt guilty about his crime)
happen to (v)
happy about/with (adj)
harmful to (adj)
hear about (v) ( be told)
hear from (v) ( receive a letter)
hear of (v) ( learn that sth or sb exists)
heir to (n)
hinder from (v) uniemożliwiać coś, przeszkadzać w czymś
hint to sb about sth (v) (but: hint at sth)
hope for (v)
hope of (n) no ˜
hope to do sth (v)
hopeless at (adj)
idea of (n)
identical to (adj)
ignorant of/about (adj)
ill with (adj)
impact on (n)
impressed by/with (adj)
impression on sb(n) make an ˜
improvement in/on (n)
incapable of (adj)
include in (v)
increase sth (v)
increase in (n)
Our factory increased the output by 20%.
There was a 20% increase in the output.
independent of (adj)
indifferent to (adj) I'm indifferent to sth that doesn't make any difference to me obojętny
indulge in (v)
inferior to (adj)
information about/on (n)
informed about (adj) be ˜
inoculate against (v)
insist on (v)
insure against (v)
intelligent at (adj)
intent on (adj) zdecydowany, zawzięty na...
intention of (n) have no ˜
interest in (n)
interested in (adj)
interfere with/in (v) wtrącić się do...
invasion of (n)
invest in (v)
invitation to (n)
invite sb to (v)
involve in (v)
irritated by (adj)
jealous of (adj)
join in (v)
joke about (v)
keen on sth (adj)
keen to do sth (adj)
key to (n)
kind to (adj) In the same way: he was good to me, kind to me, nice to me, rude to me etc. miły dla...
know about/of (v)
knock at/on (v)
knowledge of (n)
lack sth (v) eg. The company lacks new ideas brakuje czegoś
lack in sth (v) only in the continuous form: be lacking in brakuje czegoś
lack of (n) eg. There's a lack of labour force in this area. brak czegoś
laugh at (v)
lean on/against (v) oprzeć się o...
zaufać komuś
leave for (v) (head for)
lend sth to sb (v)
listen to (v)
live on (v) He only lives by the small farmers income, so he has to live almost exclusively on his own crops. żyć czymś (jedzenie) lub z czegoś (środki utrzymania)
long for (v) tęsknić za czymś
look after (phr v) (take care of) opiekować się, doglądać
look at (v)
look for (phr v) (search for)
married to (adj)

Mind the difference:
He married Susan two years ago.
He is married to Susan with two children.
John and Susan got married last week.

marvel at (v) patrzeć z podziwem na coś
mean to (adj) nikczemny lub skąpy wobec kogoś
mention to (v)
mistake sb for (v) wziąć kogoś za kogoś innego
mix with (v)
name after (v) nazwać na czyjąś cześć
necessary for (adj)
need for (n)
neglect of (n)
nervous about (adj)
new to (adj)
nice to (adj)
nominate sb (for/as sth) (v)
notice of (n) take (no) ˜ (nie) zważać na coś
notorious for doing sth (adj) znany z czegoś
obedient to (adj)
object to (v)
objection to (n)
obliged to sb for sth (adj)
obvious to (adj)
occur to (v) Has it occured to you you have to leave your school one day?
But: Wild lions no longer occur in this country.
przyjść do głowy
występować (istnieć) gdzieś
offence against (n) She took offence against her brother. obraza
operate on (v)
opinion of/on (n)
opposite of/to (n)
part with (v) rozstać się z ...
patient with (adj)
pay by (cheque) (v)
pay for (v) (but: pay a bill)
pay in (cash) (v)
peculiar to (adj) szczególny
persist in (v) (but: insist on) wytrwale coś robić
photograph of (n) take a ˜
picture of (n)
pity for (n)
pleasant to (adj)
pleased with (adj)
pleasure in (n) take ˜ znajdować w czymś przyjemność
pleasure of (n) have the ˜.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting him in person
używane głównie w zwrotach grzecznościowych: mieć przyjemność
point at/to (v) wskazywać na
polite to (adj) im ˜
popular with (adj)
praise sb for (v)
pray for sth/sb (v) prosić lub modlić się o coś
prefer sth to sth else (v)
preference for (n) have a ˜
prepare for (v)
present sb with (v) wręczyć, przedstawić coś komuś
prevent sb from (v) uniemożliwić komuś coś
pride in (n) take ˜ chlubić się...
pride oneself on sth/on doing (v) być dumnym ze zrobienia czegoś
prohibit sb from doing sth (v)
prone to (adj)
protect against/from (v)
protection from (n)
protest about/at (v)
proud of (adj)
provide sb with (v)
punish sb for (v)
puzzled about/by (adj) zdziwiony, zakłopotany
qualified for (adj)
quarrel about sth/with sb (v/n)
quick at (adj)
quotation from (n)
rave about (v) rozwodzić się nad czymś z zapałem
react to (v)
reaction to (n)
ready for (adj)
reason for (n)
reason with (v)
rebel against (v) buntować się przeciw...
receive from (v)
record of (n) keep a ˜
recover from (v) wyzdrowieć z..., podnieść się z...
reduction in (n)
refer to (v)
reference to (n) in/with ˜ w odniesieniu do...
refrain from (v) powstrzymać się od..
regard as (v)
regardless of (prep) niezależnie od...
related to (adj)
relationship between (n) (but: a relationship with sb)
relevant to (adj) stosowny, adekwatny do...
rely on (v)
remind sb of/about (v) She reminds me of my aunt (=is similar to her).
Please remind me about the meeting.
remove from (v)
replace sth with sth else (v)
reply to (n/v)
report on (n/v)
reputation for/of (n)
research on/into (n)
respect for (n)
respected for (adj)
respond to (v)
responsible for (adj)
responsiblity for (n)
result from (v) ( be the consequence of)
Your illness results from your own stupidity.
wynikać z...
result in (v) (= cause)
Your stupidity will result in some accident one day.
przynosić skutek, powodować...
result of (n)
resulting from (adj)
rhyme with (v)
rich in (adj)
rid of (phr) get ˜ pozbyć się...
rise in (n)
room for (n) make ˜
rude to (adj)
run into (phr v)
safe from (adj)
same as (adj)
satisfied with/by (adj)
save sb from (v)
scared of (adj)
search for (v/n) (but: in search of)
They were searching for him all night.
The policeman searched his pockets.
szukać kogoś lub czegoś,
przeszukać coś
sensible of sth (adj) ( aware of sth) raczej staromodne: świadom czegoś
sensible about sth (adj) He is very sensible about spending money. rozsądny
sensitive to (adj)
sentence sb to (v)
separate from (v)
serious about (adj)
share in/of sth (n)

He had no share in this manipulation.
Bill G. has many shares in Microsoft.
Can I have my share of the cake?

udział w...
akcja (rynkowa jakiejś firmy)
część czegoś
shelter from (v)
shocked at/by (adj)
shoot at (v)
short of (adj)
shout at (v)
shy of (adj) This dog was rather shy of all visitors.
She usually fights shy of meeting the inquisitive reporters.
wstydzący się lub unikający czegoś
sick of (adj) (mieć) dość czegoś
silly to do sth (adj) (but: it was silly of him)
similar to (adj)
skilful/skilled at (adj)
slow in/about doing sth/to sth (adj)
smell of (n/v)
smile at (v)
solution to (n)
sorry about (adj) ( feel sorry for sb) (but: I'm sorry for doing sth)
speak to/with sb about (v)
specialise in (v)
specialist in (n)
spend money on sth (v)
spend time in/doing sth (v)
split into/in (v) podzielić (się) na...
spy on (v)
stand for (phr v) znaczyć, oznaczać...
stare at (v)
strain on (n) This work puts too much strain on him. obciążać kogoś, być ciężarem dla kogoś
subject to (adj/v) submit to (v) (but: submit sth for publication)
subscribe to (v)
succeed in (v)
suffer from (v)
sufficient for sth/sb (adj)
superior to (adj)
sure of/about (adj)
surprised at/by (adj)
surrender to (v) poddać się komuś
surrounded by (adj)
suspect sb of (v)
suspicious of (adj)
sympathetic to/towards (adj) współczujący komuś
sympathise with (v)
take exception to sth object to sth obrazić się na coś lub nie móc się z czymś pogodzić
take pity on sb (exp) zlitować się nad...
take sth to sb/sth (v)
talent for sth (n)
talk to sb about sth (v)
taste in (n) have ˜
taste of (v)
terrible at (adj)
terrified of (adj)
thank sb for (v)
thankful for (adj)
think about/of (v)
threat to sb/sth/of sth (n)
threaten sb with sth (v)
throw at (v) (in order to hit)
throw to (v) (in order to catch)
tire of (v) zmęczyć się czymś
tired of (adj) (fed up with) zmęczony, mający dość czegoś
translate from ...into (v)
tread on (v) nastąpić, nadepnąć na coś
treat sth/sb as a special case
trip over (v) potknąć się o...
trouble with (n)
typical of (adj)
unaware of (adj)
understanding of (n)
uneasy about (adj)
upset about/over sth (adj) podenerwowany, przygnębiony czymś
use of (n) make ˜
used to (adj)
valid for (length of time) (adj)
valid in (places) (adj)
value sth at (v) wycenić coś na...
vote against/for (v)
vouch for (v) ręczyć za kogoś
wait for (v) Hurry up, I'm waiting for you. czekać na kogoś
waint on (v) The children expected to be waited on hand and foot by their servants. (thus: waiter) obsługiwać kogoś
warn sb against/about/of (v)
waste (time/money) on (v) Let's not waste time waiting for them. Don't waste your money/time on this project. marnować coś robiąc coś lub na coś
waste of (n) It was a complete waste of time waiting for them.
weak in/at (adj)
wink at (v) mrugnąć do...
wonder about (v)
worry about (v)
worthy of (adj)
write to sb (v)
wrong about (adj)

Copyright © by Maciej Górnicki. Word list and some examples based on Virginia Evans, FCE Use of English 2 and The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English.